
Retailers: Shine Bright on IGTV

We’ve recently announced our new Instagram IGTV series, the “American Gem Society’s Sparkle Sessions,” and we are on the lookout for more talent!

“Sparkle Sessions” is a new short-form video series that stars you! It’s your chance to talk about the jewelry you love in your store, and why it’s special. It also gives you the chance to showcase your expertise in jewelry and gemstones.

Episode 2 is now live and stars Isabelle Corvin, CG, staff gemologist at Panowicz Jewelers. Click here to see it.

You can also view our premier episode starring Nikia Levesque, Marketing Manager with Day’s Jewelers. Click here to view it.

Would you like to participate? Here’s what you need to know:

  • The jewelry used in the video can be a custom piece from your store or an AGS supplier. Please note: we cannot promote jewelry from vendors who are not AGS members. Click here to search for an AGS Supplier.
  • You (or members of your team) are the star of the video! Film your video on a smartphone, via a computer webcam, or have someone else film it.
  • Explain to consumers why you love the piece and why it’s special. Want to show a couple of pieces of jewelry? Go for it! Make your video fun and educational, but please keep it under 10 minutes.
  • Please Note: All videos submitted to the American Gem Society must be fully edited before submitting.
  • Send your video to [email protected].

To view our complete guidelines, click the button below:

Our goal with the American Gem Society’s “Sparkle Sessions” is to help consumers understand the benefits of shopping with an AGS jeweler, and it’s an opportunity to showcase how awesome our community of jewelers is to a larger audience. We want consumers to walk into your store, and say, “We want to shop with an AGS jeweler!”

We hope to see your video soon!

Have questions? Email [email protected].