
Sustaining Firm Membership

Sustaining Firm members are businesses that provide products and services that support the industry. These firms are not primarily in the business of selling gems or gemstone jewelry. As a member, you will have access to benefits that connect you with leading industry retailers, including the use of member mailing lists, dedicated eblasts, and social networking. In addition, you will have access to Conclave, the industry’s premier education and networking conference.

Membership with the American Gem Society is a testament to your clients that they are conducting business with a firm dedicated to the highest standards of business conduct and ethics in the industry. Please review the details below to learn more about the membership benefits as well as the membership application process.


Any company wishing to apply for membership must have been in business for at least two full years, and must have an individual, either the principal or a full-time employee, complete the introductory portion of The AGS Way course, and successfully pass the 15-question final exam to cover the important details of the Society.

“The American Gem Society upholds professionalism and ethics, ensuring we are educated in what we are doing in our business.”
– Scott Berg, CG, Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry


Membership in the AGS connects you with the leading retailers and suppliers in North America. It’s a community of likeminded individuals who share the same values and dedication to professionalism. AGS utilizes a dynamic mix of print and digital advertising, PR, publications, online and social media marketing. The goal: create awareness among AGS members on the importance of supporting fellow AGS members and drive traffic to your business.

The exclusive American Gem Society Membership Directory provides vital information you need to contact influencers at AGS firms. “Sustaining Spotlight,” a feature in the quarterly Spectra and semi-monthly e-newsletter, Spectra Update, places you front and center with AGS retailers. Additionally, you will be included in our Supplier and Sustaining Firm Membership Directory and our members-only Find An AGS Supplier search. These mediums allow you to connect directly with your target audience – AGS members.


Through AGS, you will build your network of influence and demonstrate your commitment to consumer protection, the highest ethical standards, and education. Members are invited to attend the American Gem Society’s annual Conclave, the industry’s premier networking and educational event. As a member, you will have the opportunity to sponsor a speaker, an event, or a booth in the Networking Area for additional exposure during Conclave.

Throughout the year, we offer continuing education webinars, as well as meetings hosted by the regional Guilds and member groups, such as the Young Titleholders, to advance their education and networking. Members have the opportunity to schedule a speaking engagement or webinar through these member groups to garner exposure for their firm, but more importantly, provide peer-to-peer education establishing themselves as a trusted partner who can help with a variety of business solutions.

Conclave is a great way to meet decision-makers at AGS firms.

“The contacts I’ve made through the AGS have made a significant impact on the growth of my business, and the ongoing education has enhanced my career. I’ve made lasting business relationships through the American Gem Society, which I value greatly.”
– Ronnie VanderLinden, Diamex, Inc.

We have developed strategic relationships with the following companies in order to help our members increase the profitability of their business operations through lower rates, higher customer service, and incentive programs.


Customize your insurance needs to fit your business with Jewelers Mutual Group, including coverage tailored for manufacturers, wholesalers, designers, and more.


Rethink the way you ship! Compare options side-by-side, access incentive programs and intelligently insure your packages, all from one, easy-to-use platform – JM Shipping Solution™.

The American Gem Society has a number of tools that can help you stay on top of best practices, or allow you to provide thought leadership to the membership. Write articles for Spectra or Spectra Update, or abstracts and white papers for AGS PRO. AGS Go is our app, which has links to the membership directory, as well as a Find a Vendor search which allows AGS retailers to find you quickly and easily.

  1. Please complete the online application. The Membership Team can reach out to the references you provide on the application to assist in collecting the letters of recommendation.
  2.  As part of the application process the firm must have an individual who has completed the introductory portion of The AGS Way course. The Membership Department will assist in facilitating the completion of this education upon receipt of your firm’s application.
  3. The Membership Department creates a membership file with the necessary details of your firm, and presents the file to the Chair of the Membership Committee. The Chair will carefully review your file, and make one of the following recommendations:
    1. Acceptance: Your Company has met the AGS standards to become a member and is officially an active firm.
    2. Rejection: Your Company does not meet the requirements or standards of AGS membership at this time. You may appeal this decision in writing to the International Board of Directors. There is a two-year waiting period to re-apply if your firm is denied membership.
  4. A summary of your file with the Chair’s recommendation is then submitted to the Membership Committee. The committee is a confidentially seated group of approximately 11 AGS members who are long-standing and active participants of the Society. Once a majority vote has been received, the status of your application is determined.
  5. If your firm is accepted into the membership, it is considered an active firm member of the AGS, and will gain access to the full membership benefits.


Annual membership dues are assessed on a value-based model. Your firm will select the plan that best matches its goals for membership, including the level of engagement, and pay for the value of that plan. As the value of the plan increases, so does the access to membership benefits and available discount opportunities. Membership dues are billed at the time of election and may be prorated depending on the date. This shall be in addition to the dues or recertification fees paid by individual members as more fully described in the Membership Dues Terms and Conditions.

Questions? Email [email protected].