
March Birthstones

Bloodstone march birthstone.

How to Buy Bloodstone

Whether purchasing bloodstone as a gift for a March birthday or simply wanting to have a beautiful bloodstone piece of your own, it is an affordable way to enjoy a unique gemstone.

The color of bloodstone can range from light to dark green, with subtle or prominent spots or stripes of red or rust. Most gemstones have very distinct light and dark color zones, so you may not want to be on the hunt for an evenly colored bloodstone. That may be a very difficult or impossible task. The color gradient is part of the bloodstone’s distinctive look and unique charm.

Bloodstone can range from translucent to nearly opaque. When cut and polished well, it can have a beautiful shine and luster, though the luster is different than other gemstones and will generally appear smooth or waxy.

Depending on the size of the gemstone, it may be cut with facets into unique or traditional shapes. Smaller gemstones are often cut and polished into beads. They can also appear as a part of carvings, shapes (like hearts), seals or cameos.

Bloodstone looks particularly beautiful as a pendant or a beaded bracelet. Many people choose to wear as an everyday piece of jewelry or small amulet, so be sure that the way it is set and mounted is durable and secure enough for heavier wear.

If you are looking for bloodstone birthstone jewelry, find an American Gem Society jeweler near you.

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