
August Birthstones

sardonyx august birthstone

History of Sardonyx Birthstone

Sardonyx has been popular for centuries, dating back more than 4,000 years ago to the Second Dynasty of Egypt.

Ancient Greeks and Romans went to battle wearing sardonyx talismans engraved with images of heroes and gods like Hercules and Mars. They believed the stone could harness the bravery of those figures, granting them courage, victory, and protection on the battlefield.

Sardonyx was a popular stone for Roman seals and signet rings that were used to imprint wax emblems on official documents, since hot wax doesn’t stick to this gemstone.

During Renaissance times, sardonyx was associated with eloquence. Public speakers and orators wore it to aid clear thinking and communication.

Unlike rare gemstones that were historically limited to wealthy royals, sardonyx has been popular with elite and regular folk alike. Relatively common and inexpensive, sardonyx is a beautiful gemstone that is affordable enough to join any collection.

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