
August Birthstones

Spinel august birthstone

How to Buy Spinel

When it comes to color, spinel has a variety of choices, with some being rarer than others. The most desirable is red spinel, followed by cobalt blue, hot pink, and then vivid orange. The more affordable gemstones are paler in color, like lavender. Spinel also appears in black, violet blue, greenish blue, grayish, pale pink, mauve, yellow, or brown.

Spinel that is devoid of inclusions to the eye is most valuable, although some inclusions can be quite beautiful, reflecting the gemstone’s octahedral crystal growth.

The spinel is a hard and durable gemstone and can be found in various cuts like octagons, trillions, squares, and rounds. It can also be found in fancy shapes, like ovals, pears, and cushions. This makes spinel ideal for almost any type of jewelry.

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