

Tanzanite, Zircon and Turquoise – Oh my!

By Amanda L. Colborn Happy birthday December! We’re thrilled to feature three beautiful birthstones and talk a little bit about just what makes them so special. Tanzanite Discovered in the late 1960s in Tanzania, and found exclusively in this tiny area of the world, tanzanite exhibits a rich violet-blue color for which the gemstone is treasured; often it is heat-treated to achieve this color.  Colors range from blue to purple, and tanzanites that are medium dark in tone, vivid in saturation, and slightly violet blue command premium prices.  As tanzanite can be less expensive than sapphire, it often was purchased as

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Celebrating the Birthstones of November!

By Amanda L. Colborn, Marketing Coordinator at AGS Topaz Topaz is a gemstone available in a rich rainbow of colors. Prized for several thousand years in antiquity, at the time — all yellow gems were called topaz. Often confused with citrine quartz (yellow) and smoky quartz (brown), quartz and topaz are separate and unrelated mineral species. The most prized color of topaz is called Imperial topaz after the Russian Czars of the 1800s and features a magnificent orange body color with pinkish undertones. Topaz also comes in yellow, pink, purple, orange, and the many popular blue tones.   Citrine Citrine, the other birthstone for

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October – celebrating the month of TWO birthstones!

By Amanda L. Colborn Happy birthday to all the October babies out there! October features two very unique and different birthstones.  Tourmaline and Opal, two of the most gorgeous and diverse birthstones make beautiful and vibrant jewelry.  Let’s explore them individually: Tourmaline The first October birthstone is tourmaline. It has become a favorite gemstone among jewelry designers, and gem collectors the world over. Since it is available in a wide variety of colors, it is ideally suited to almost anyone’s taste. Tourmaline also is known for displaying several colors in the same gemstone.  These bi-color or tri-color gems are formed

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The Healing Power of Gemstones

By Amanda L. Colborn According to folklore and stories throughout history, many gemstones are thought to offer mystic healing to its wearer.  So whether shopping for a gift of fine jewelry, or considering a gift for yourself along the way, consider the healing properties of these fine gemstones. Birthday gemstones may not bake your cookies and wrap your gifts for you, but they will make you feel better while doing so. Gemstone healing powers:   Amber – Thought to aid memory loss, purify the body, alleviate headaches, and bone and heart problems, Amber is known for its stress relieving and calming properties.  

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5 Reasons to Love Rubies

By Donna Jolly, RJ The birthstone of July is the fiery Ruby. As someone who has walked up and down many aisles at jewelry trade shows, I can attest to the eye-drawing power of rubies. You see one out of the corner of your eye and you cannot help but stop immediately and take a look. If you happen to run across a cluster of rubies, you might be standing outside the display case, gawking for a long time. Refreshments might be needed. There are many, many reasons to love rubies. Here are five: 1. Jewelry lovers love them. Elizabeth

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Aquamarine: the Calming Blue

by Anna Samsonova, CGA Ben Bridge Jeweler The name says it all for the birthstone of March: Aqua. The word alone is relaxing.  Which is good, because the historical and substitute birthstone does not have as relaxing of a name: Bloodstone. Aquamarine is usually a light blue stone, think of the clearest of beach waters that you can imagine. Smaller stones tend to stay on the lighter side of the spectrum, where as larger stones may yield a darker color. That slightly darker color, especially with a greenish tint, is quite sought after and has a greater value. Just as

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Garnet in Many Shades

By Anna Samsonova, CGA, Ben Bridge Jeweler This January birthstone has a deep history and comes in many colors. Although birthstones have now been established and represent the 12 months of the year, this wasn’t always the case. Birthstones were first associated with Aaron’s (Exodus) breastplate, and believed to be for the 12 zodiac signs. In modern times, most people only associate with their own birthstone, throughout history it was believed to be lucky to wear the birthstone for each month. Currently, the accepted zodiac and monthly birthstones are different, and some months are even lucky to have options! We

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Rubies and July—a Red Hot Pair

Perhaps no color better represents the month of July than red. Whether it’s the bold red in the American flag, spectacular fireworks, juicy cherries, red-hot temperatures.  . . and, with that, red hot sunburns—Red is a color fit for July. It’s no surprise then that Ruby is July’s birthstone. Rubies are not only a hot trend on red carpets, but this precious gemstone is both luxurious and practical. Ruby is a variety of the gems species corundum, which is harder than any natural gemstone except diamond. Want to wear a ruby as an engagement ring? Go ahead! It’s durable enough

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Emerald: May’s Birthstone

By Anna Samsonova, CGA, Ben Bridge Jewelers The Pantone Color of the Year is making a huge comeback! Often imitated, never duplicated. It’s a phrase that describes emeralds, May’s birthstone, very well. Since the beginning of time emeralds have been a hot commodity. Cleopatra is believed to have had a huge love and admiration for the gemstone, although most of her collection turned out to be peridot.  Roman Emperor Nero is believed to have had sunglasses made of emeralds, however this is unlikely due to their included and cloudy nature. Nero’s supposed sunglasses were a representation of the stone’s power.

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