
Jewelry Appraising Guide Now Available in Hard Copy and Digital Versions

Cos Altobelli, ECGA, has recently updated his industry-standard book, The Practical Guide to Jewelry Appraising, Fourth Edition. First published in 1986, this book has served as the definitive guide to professionalism in jewelry appraising. The book is the summation of author Cos Altobelli’s expertise and decades of experience in the jewelry industry. The newly updated Fourth Edition ensures that the guidance contained in the book will be relevant and timely for years to come.

American Gem Society jeweler, Pieter Andries Hye, CGA, Honorary Consul for the Kingdom of Belgium, and Founder & CEO of the Pieter Andries Companies, in collaboration with the book’s author, Cos Altobelli, is making 80 complimentary copies of this newest edition available to interested persons employed in the jewelry industry in order to continue to support the highest standards of professionalism. Eligible individuals are anyone working in the jewelry industry whether in retail, wholesale, manufacturing, auctions, insurance and/or appraising.

The newly printed version is available on the new website, for shipping in the United States and Canada. Internationally, it is available digitally on Kindle Direct Publishing.

To apply for a complimentary copy of The Practical Guide to Jewelry Appraising, Fourth Edition, please complete the online form at Entries are due by June 30, 2022. Applications will be processed within 30 days of receipt.