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AGS PRO: February’s Birthstone and Smash-and-Grab Security Tips

There is so much to view and read on AGS PRO that can help you in your career and business. Here are just three pieces of content on AGS PRO that you might find relevant in February.

All About Birthstones: Amethyst
By Bryan Aderhold, CG, Nash James Enterprises, LLC

Bryan is a colored gemstone expert, and whether you need a refresher on February’s beautiful birthstone, or want to learn more, he’ll walk you through some of the essentials on amethyst.

Click here to view the video.


Don’t Miss this Content on Smash and Grab Prevention
By Jewelers Mutual® Group

Smash and grabs are on the rise, and Jewelers Mutual Group has content to help better protect you.

First up, is a short but informative article. Follow these seven tips for preventing smash-and-grab robberies and discouraging criminals from attempting them at your location.

Click here to view the article.

Next, hear from Jewelers Mutual Group’s Vice President of Loss Prevention and Risk Management in a video on how to prevent falling victim to a grab-and-run theft. Plus, what to do if it happens to you.

Click here to view the video.


  1. Make sure you are logged into the Membership Portal at That makes downloading documents easier.
  2. Speaking of downloads, PRO uses the word “Launch” which is the PRO way to say “download.”