
Supplier Spotlight: Nigaam Jewels

Nigaam Jewels began as a small, family-run gemstone cutting business in India. With its roots in cutting gemstones for the jewelry industry, Nigaam soon began supplying fine gemstones to high-end jewelry and designer brands worldwide.

With increased exposure and greater prominence in the luxury jewelry market, Nigaam’s relationship with luxury brands transitioned, taking on the role of an esteemed jewel design house for established international brands.

“It is through our beginnings in gem cutting and our close relationship with unique gems, as well as the cutting-edge engineering processes we’ve developed that direct our design processes, that Nigaam is where we are today in the industry,” says Carlos De Leon, Sales Director at Nigaam Jewels. “Letting science and the natural characteristics of our gems and raw materials dictate our direction in design allows us to deliver luxury pieces that are not only unique, but they fit into the lifestyle of their owners.”

Carlos and his team are very excited about introducing Nigaam Jewels to the AGS community and the American market. “I can’t wait to talk with the store owners and see their reactions and feel their excitement when they view our pieces for the first time!” Carlos says, “I’ve had that image in my head for quite some time, so it is truly exciting to be at this point.”

Carlos shares some insight on how he builds relationships with clients, as well as sound advice he received from a friend in the jewelry industry.

Carlos De Leon
Sales Director, Nigaam Jewels

“Focus on your relationships with others. First and foremost, work on building those relationships, and from them, the business will follow naturally. If your intent is to sell, as a supplier or even as a retailer to your clients, don’t spend the majority of your energy into driving your product, but rather hone your product and shift your focus onto strengthening the human element.

“In business, it is the human element and strengthening relationships with others around you that fosters growth and leads to increased sales in the long term.

“I always drop a reference to a quote I once heard from a friend of mine in the jewelry industry. She told me when I was first starting out, ‘Stop trying to sell an engagement ring or a diamond. Your goal should be getting invited to the wedding.’ That quote really resonated with me because it focuses directly on the relationship component and not the product.”

With offices located around the world, Nigaam’s collections are inspired by their global presence and bird’s-eye view of the world’s people and cultures. From these cultural themes and the precious gemstones procured from diverse countries, Nigaam can create a vast array of designs, each with a unique story, composition, and personal significance.

“Our core collection is wonderful and different from other luxury lines because it covers such a vast variety of styles from all parts of the world,” says Carlos. “In saying that, honing in on what we feel best exemplifies our core collection and what Nigaam is all about, and communicating and distributing those designs into the American market, has been an exhilarating experience. Taking part in that organic excitement that fills the room when meeting with store owners and their sales staff, that’s the best energy any jewelry designer could ask for.”

Carlos adds, “We are just thankful to have been granted the opportunity to make local businesses and their customers smile when they wear and experience a Nigaam Jewels design for the first time. Whether it be a piece from our core collection or a one-of-a-kind Nigaam custom piece, everybody wins when that energy and excitement are shared!”