
Jewelers Mutual: Insights, Trends, and Staying Safe

Conclave’s Presenting Sponsor, Jewelers Mutual Group, offers two insightful sessions: One on navigating retail trends and another on practical security strategies for your business.
Krystle Craycraft

Monday, April 15 / 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Insights Unleased: Navigating the Retail Revolution
Krystle Craycraft, Jewelers Mutual

Jewelers Mutual will present insights and trends that will enable retailers to make important business decisions in 2024 and beyond. Through Jewelers Mutual’s extensive research and its access to various industry advisory councils and think tanks, it will share leading, new research that applies to today’s retail buyer. Attendees will walk away with information and tools to help them navigate, elevate and grow their businesses into the future.

Key Takeaways

  • Access to expert insights and trends to enable important business decisions
  • New research tailored to retailers and their business needs
  • Information and tools to elevate and grow your business
Carrie Volp
Howard Stone

Wednesday / 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

SPOT THE RISK: Protect Your Business Against Crime
Carrie Volp and Howard Stone, Jewelers Mutual

From physical theft to cyber-attacks, jewelry retailers remain vulnerable in a sea of potential threats to their businesses. Join Jewelers Mutual for an interactive session on how to stay vigilant and safeguard your store 365 days a year. Walk away with a loss prevention approach to help protect your business against crime.