
Certified Sales Associate® | August 2022

The following individuals have recently earned the prestigious designation of Certified Sales Associate® (CSA) by the American Gem Society:

Bailey Annett, CSAGrandis JewellersPetrolia, ON, Canada
Natalie Dimodica, CSAJames Wolf JewelersMason, OH
Tapanga M. Fagan, CSADavid Gardner's JewelersCollege Station, TX
Jason Hampton, CSAJeweler's TouchBrea, CA
Isaiah Korver, CSAExclusively DiamondsMankato, MN
Janelle Lyons, CSAHenne Jewelers, Inc.Pittsburgh, PA
Mamta Malkan, CSARaffi Jewellers Inc.Cambridge, ON, Canada
Taylor A. Nevill, CSADavid Gardner's JewelersCollege Station, TX
Sunny Weather, CSACornell's JewelersRochester, NY
Elena Yablonovsky, SCARaffi Jewellers Inc.Cambridge, ON, Cananda
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