
December 30, 2021

The Report Report: Laboratory-Grown Diamond Reports

By Jerrica Hamblin, Laboratory Program Development Analyst, AGS Laboratories The Laboratory-Grown Diamond Report is a result of over a year of research to develop a product that helps jewelry buyers better understand the qualities of laboratory-grown diamonds. This tool was also designed to assist retailers in selling laboratory-grown diamonds, with additional educational references and consumer-friendly videos. The Laboratory-Grown Diamond Report comes in a digital format and is a component of Only My Diamond® for laboratory-grown diamonds. The online experience contains additional educational information, specifically created with the customer in mind. Other elements of the unique platform include: A special section

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Under the Scope: A Diamond Simulant

By Wade Abel, CG, Director of Gemological Services, AGS Laboratories It’s no secret that AGS Laboratories only grades diamonds. On the rare occasion, something may be submitted to the Lab for diamond grading that is not a diamond; instead, it is a diamond simulant. A diamond simulant is any material that could be used to imitate a diamond with different chemical properties. There are safeguards in place at the Lab that alert us if something may not be a diamond before the gem goes through for any services. First, we do preliminary screening to see if the material could be

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