
Your Vote Counts! Help American Gem Society nominated Children's Heart Foundation receive $10k.

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The American Gem Society has nominated the Children’s Heart Foundation to receive one of ten, $10,000 grants being offered by Jewelers for Children.  This local charity has a special place in our hearts, as it has helped the child of one of our own.
The Foundation has Four Main Goals:

  • to provide a carefree camp experience for children with heart conditions
  • to educate healthcare professionals and the general public on pediatric cardiology issues
  • to lend support to families as they deal with the emotional and financial toll exacted by a child’s heart problems
  • to support research in the area of pediatric cardiology

The grant will go a long ways to ensure that they are able to continue to deliver on their goals.
This is our opportunity to give back. Voting for the grant runs through today. The Children’s Heart Foundation must be in the top ten when voting concludes in order to receive one of the grants. We ask that throughout the day everyone that can, please vote and share the information with as many people as possible. We want to give back to an organization that has given so much.
Voting is simple. Click here and click vote. Just a few seconds of your time can go a long way in helping children with heart problems. From all of us at the American Gem Society we thank you in advance for your Vote and support.