
Young Titleholder Committee Member Spotlight: Randy Lightfoot, CG

We’re excited to spotlight a familiar face in the industry: Randy Lightfoot, CG, of Mayflower Estate Buyers & Consulting. While many recognize Randy for his stunning photography, few may know about his unwavering dedication to the American Gem Society. As a former Mentorship Chair and the current Secretary of the Young Titleholders, Randy has been instrumental in numerous initiatives.

Randy Lightfoot, CG, earned a BA in Geology with an emphasis on volcanology, igneous petrology, and mineralogy, where he presented research at the Geological Society of America (GSA) conference in Kalamazoo, MI, in 2013. Randy is skilled in using illumination techniques such as cross-polarized filters (CPF) and UV imaging to identify clues to diamond origin. He is knowledgeable in gemstone identification using standard non-destructive testing methods and enjoys the art and science of inclusion photomicrography.

A former diamond grader for GIA (and a volunteer diamond grading trainer), Randy works for Mayflower Estate Buyers & Consulting in Towson, MD. His recent work can be found in a co-authored research poster with Branko Deljanin titled, CPF (Cross Polarized Filters) Technique for Screening & ID of Diamonds: Natural, Lab-grown & Post-Growth Treated, and in his recorded lecture on CPF as an online instructor for Branko Gems Academy.

Randy Lightfoot, CG

You may also find his article, Cross Polarized Filters as a Clue to Diamond Origin, in Issue 2 of the 2022 American Gem Society’s (AGS) Spectra magazine with AGS Director of Gemology Wade Abel, CG, and as a co-author of the booklet Identifying Diamond Types and Laboratory-Grown Diamonds with CPF (Cross-polarized Filters) with Branko Deljanin and Dusan Simic.

Randy is a regular columnist for the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA) quarterly newsletter, volunteers with The Appraisal Foundation, and won Gem-A’s 2023 Photographer of the Year award.

“I’ve been grateful to have been part of the YTs for several years,” remarks Randy. “In particular, my experience participating in the mentoring program, as well as holding the sub-committee chair of the Mentorship Program, has made me realize how imperative it is to foster relationships.

“The Mentorship Program, and being a YT in general, has allowed me to grow in ways I didn’t expect when I became an AGS member, both personally and professionally. Without the Young Titleholders Committee, I’m convinced I wouldn’t be where I am today. Much love to my fellow YTs!”