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The Women in Leadership Scholarship

The American Gem Society (AGS) is proud to offer the AGS Women in Leadership Scholarship. This scholarship aims to encourage the growth, development, and connectivity of driven women professionals who will shape the future of the jewelry industry.

About this Scholarship

The AGS Women in Leadership Scholarship provides one candidate with a complimentary registration to the American Gem Society’s Conclave 2024 and a $500 gift card, which can be used for travel.* In addition, the scholarship recipient will receive personal mentoring with an industry leader who has been selected by AGS based on the goals and interests of the recipient (up to five one-hour sessions). These sessions will provide valuable insights, advice, and guidance on advancing their careers in the jewelry industry.

The AGS Women in Leadership Scholarship is now open for submissions.

Applicants will be asked to write a short essay (maximum 500 words) and will be evaluated based on their professional achievements, leadership skills, and potential for future growth and contribution to the industry.

The deadline to submit your application is Friday, January 12, 2024. The recipient selected by AGS will be notified by January 26, 2024.

  1. Must be female or female-identifying.
  2. Must be an AGS member in good standing.
  3. Can work in any area of the industry: Retailer, supplier, manufacturer, design, or service provider.
  4. Career focus can be any field in the industry, including gemology, sales, marketing, HR, legal, and administration.

*Travel and hotel are not included

Important Dates

The following deadlines must be met as part of the conditions of the scholarship:

  • Must attend Conclave, April 15-17, 2024.
  • Mentoring sessions completed by November 30, 2024.

Consent Agreement *

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Thank You for Your Submission!

Thanks for submitting your application to receive the Women in Leadership Scholarship!

The recipient will be notified by January 26, 2024.