
Mother’s Day

What Are Mother’s Rings?

Mother’s Day gifts are always appreciated—whether they are the expensive variety or handmade by the children. But you can’t go wrong with jewelry. When considering a gift of jewelry for Mother’s Day, there are many options, from traditional diamonds and birthstones to something more personalized. A mother’s ring is a very personalized jewelry gift that has strong sentimental value. What is a Mother’s Ring? While many people choose to give birthstone jewelry for special occasions, the birthstones are typically the recipient’s. In the case of a mother’s ring, the ring contains the children’s birthstones instead. Mother’s rings can be found

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Denise Chislett from Underwood Jewelers: My Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

By Denise Chislett, RJ, Underwood Jewelers Everyone wants the best for their Mom! Here are some jewelry gift ideas to help you this Mother’s Day. My Mother is my best friend. She brought me into this world and gave me everything she could, even when I didn’t deserve it (oh, the teenage years!). My Mother didn’t do the best she could for me. She did the BEST. My Mother isn’t a fancy woman. She is beautiful and down to earth. She is simple, elegant and most of all she is one of the funniest people I know. She never had

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