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Rah! Rah! Rubies!

By Amanda L. Colborn There’s no better way to demonstrate your love than by giving a ruby in celebration of a July birthday. Rubies arouse the senses, stir the imagination, and are said to guarantee health, wisdom, wealth and success in love. Ruby is a variety of the gems species corundum. It is harder than any natural gemstone except diamond, which means a ruby is durable enough for everyday wear. Fine-quality ruby is extremely rare, and the color of the gem is most important to its value. The most prized color is a medium or medium dark vivid red or slightly purplish red.

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From Old to New Again: Jeweler Gives Heirloom Jewelry an Updated Look

By Donna Jolly, RJ Laura Stanley is like many American Gem Society jewelers: her family has a rich history in the industry. In her case, she is a third generation jeweler. It started with her grandfather, Charles B. Stanley, a watchmaker in downtown North Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1936, he and his wife, Sally, opened a small jewelry store that throughout the years grew, and was passed down to their son, Loyd. Today, his daughter, Laura is a vital force in Stanley Jewelers Gemologist, a family business specializing in fine jewelry and fine service. With such a rich history, it

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It’s Okay to Get an "F" in Diamond Color

By John Carter, CGA, CEO & President of Jack Lewis Jewelers Choosing the diamond that is right for you means that you need to become a Jedi Master with the answers to these two questions: What area(s) should I spend money on? And more importantly: In what area(s) should I save money without it being obvious that I did so? Ok. So, there you go. I’ve summed up this whole frustrating process with two questions. Now, go out there and make the right choice! Not really that simple, I know. If it was, I wouldn’t have a job. Understanding those questions

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Your sneak peek into Jewelry Week!

By Amanda L Colborn May 26 – June 1 is known as “Jewelry Week” this year in Las Vegas, NV. With major trade show events hosted at both Mandalay Bay and the Wynn, you could say that the jewelry industry has taken over the Las Vegas strip.  Many of the exhibitors that have flown to Vegas to showcase their jewelry pieces are none other than American Gem Society members, of course! We are very excited to give you a behind-the-scenes peek into some of the amazing pieces these designers have brought with them! This first image showcases three stunning pieces from Simon

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Graduation Gifts!

By Amanda L Colborn Time sure does fly, right? Perhaps you’ve been dreading it…or maybe you’re looking forward to this new chapter of your loved ones’ life. Whether you’re ready for it or not, your favorite graduate is going to be walking down that aisle and accepting that diploma or degree that they’ve worked so hard for. Witnessing this significant step in your loved ones’ life will likely bring some tears to your eyes. But have no fear, you can return the favor when you gift them an amazing piece of jewelry, as a congratulatory token of your love, during this most momentous of times. This is

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Go Retro: The Beauty & Benefits of Estate Jewelry

By Amanda L. Colborn When it comes to jewelry, more and more people are looking to the past for their present jewelry inspiration.  It’s not just about style and fashion, estate jewelry has benefits to both your wallet AND the environment! But first, what is “estate” jewelry? Estate jewelry is, in the simplest of terms, jewelry that has been previously owned by someone else. Is it the same as “antique” jewelry? Yes and no, estate jewelry is not considered an antique until it is at least 100 years old, according to So, why would estate jewelry be something for

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Jewelry designs perfect for Cinco de Mayo!

By Amanda L. Colborn Are you the kind of person who likes to express your holiday spirit with jewelry? Does the jewelry you wear often reflect the mood and occasion of a party you’re attending?  If you answer yes to either of these, then maybe you’ve been thinking about how you’re going to capture the Cinco de Mayo spirit with your jewelry. Never fear! The American Gem Society is here to help you accessorize so you can walk into the party not having to wonder, “Is that salsa hotter than my outfit?” We’ve taken the colors of Cinco de Mayo and paired

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Celebrating May Birthdays with Emeralds

By Amanda L Colborn As the birthstone for May, the emerald, a symbol of rebirth, is believed to grant the owner foresight, good fortune, and youth. According to, “The emerald, was one of Cleopatra’s favorite gems. It has long been associated with fertility, rebirth, and love. Ancient Romans went so far as to dedicate this stone to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Today, it is thought that emeralds signify wisdom, growth, and patience.” Emerald, derived from the word smaragdus, meaning “green” in Greek, was mined in Egypt as early as 330 B.C. Today, most of the world’s emeralds

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Happy Birthday April! It's your time to shine!

By Amanda L Colborn At the American Gem Society and especially in AGS Laboratories, we look forward to April all year long!  With the diamond being April’s birthstone, it’s yet another opportunity to celebrate our favorite things: bright, shiny diamonds! Don’t get us wrong, all other months and their birthstones are just as special! However, being part of an organization that offers you the highest quality diamond grading reports…we do have a special soft spot for diamonds. History of the Diamond as the April Birthstone Diamonds are a thing of beauty and the ultimate gift for a loved one. Thought to

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Jewelry and the Colors of Spring!

By Amanda L Colborn We’re finally reaching the threshold of spring! (Seriously…it really took its sweet time getting here.) And in celebration of spring, we wanted to share with you the latest style and color trends of the season, so when you hit the beach — you’ll be the hottest one there! Pantone recently released their Spring 2015 color scheme.  The Spring 2015 palette includes ten colors for the season in varying shades and hues. Pantone says, “This season there is a move toward the cooler and softer side of the color spectrum. An eclectic, ethereal mix of understated brights,

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