
The American Gem Society’s Instagram Takeovers

The American Gem Society (AGS) provides a single day of posting on the Society’s Instagram page, which we call the AGS Instagram Takeover (#AGSTakeover). This opportunity provides added exposure to the Society’s followers, a group that consists of both a trade and consumer market.

How does this work? For one day—up to five times—the AGS will post images and/or video of your product on our AGS Instagram page.

Please note: AGS has blackout dates surrounding industry trade shows, as we need to highlight as many members as we can during that time. We may also issue blackouts around other important dates, such as the day before or after a holiday or on days when AGS is closed for a holiday.

To give more members a chance to have an Instagram Takeover, we limit our takeovers to one Takeover per quarter per member.

Here are the details on how the Instagram Takeover works, and the guidelines to follow:

  • Please be sure that all content adheres to FTC Guidelines. We reserve the right to update copy to better fit AGS editorial guidelines and FTC guidelines.
  • Because we only promote our AGS members, we ask that all designs be from our AGS Vendors or custom designs from AGS retailers. We can post images from other websites (i.e. blog posts) if it is jewelry from an AGS member. We will give the website credit.
    • If you would like a recent list of our AGS suppliers, please request one from the marketing team at [email protected].
  • The Takeovers are done on either a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PST). We do require your Takeover to be scheduled, so please reach out to [email protected] for availability.
  • One week before the scheduled Takeover, please provide us with up to five (5) high-res (300 dpi) photos (or video) of your product. We ask that you provide captions (copy) to go with your photos, as well as the hashtags you’d like to use. Our viewers like a fun description or brief story. Please do not include pricing or sales pitches.

Optimal Instagram photos sizes:

  • Landscape: 1080 by 608 pixels
  • Square: 1080 by 1080 pixels
  • Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels

Optimal Instagram video sizes:

  • Landscape: 1.91:1 (1080 by 608 pixels)
  • Portrait: 4:5 (1080 x 1350 pixels)
  • Video should not exceed 60 seconds. 
  • Teaser Image: Please prepare one (1) extra image or video to be used the day before the Takeover. AGS will provide the copy for this post, letting our followers know you are “taking over” our Instagram account! You can see examples of these “teaser” images by visiting

Recent Instagram Takeovers

Ready to schedule your AGS Instagram Takeover? Contact [email protected].