
Guild Speaker Listing

Bryan Aderhold, CG
Nash James Enterprises LLC

Emeralds – From Mine to Market

Gem Identification – Tools and Tips

Phone: 800.518.8150
Email: [email protected]

Rob Bates
JCK Magazine

Industry News & Updates

Phillip Bosen, CGA
Bosen Associates

How to best serve the LGBTQ community

Client Advisory Boards – Utilizing your best clients to grow your business in ways you never expected

Honing your 4 C’s presentation to beat your competition and sell more diamonds

Phone: 802.777.5007
Email: [email protected]

Bill Boyajian
Bill Boyajian & Associates

Leadership and Business Development

Phone: 310.691.9562
Email: [email protected]


Erica Courtney
Erica Courtney

Gemstones & Client Development

Phone: 323.938.2373
Email: [email protected]

Paula Crevoshay

Jewelry Design

James DeGroot

Speak Their Language

Create a FRIEND First

Super Clientelling

Phone: 920.492.1191
Email: [email protected]

Rachel Dery, RS
Gem Legacy

Gem Legacy: Holistic Sourcing and the People Behind Colored Gemstones

Phone: 248.933.3406
Email: [email protected]

Roger Dery, RS
& Ginger Dery, RS

Roger Dery Gem Design

Kilimanjaro, Bangkok or Tucson: Getting to the Source of Your Story

Phone: 248.545.3546
Email: [email protected]

Richard Drucker
Gemworld International, Inc.

Market Trends & Industry Issues

Pricing Methodology and Challenges

Value Factors for Colored Gems

Phone: 847.657.0555 ext. 204
Email: [email protected]

Harold Dupuy headshot

Harold Dupuy
Stuller Inc.

Industry – Facts, Figures and the Future

Lab Grown Diamonds

Phone: 337.262.7700 ext. 4463
Email: [email protected]

John Ford
Lightning Ridge Collection by John Ford

Lightning Ridge Black Opal

Inside a Jewelry Designers Mind

Sustainable Sourcing & Supply Chain

Phone: 409.771.7750
Email: [email protected] 

Adam Graham, CSA
Joshua J. Jewelry

10 Growth Opportunities in Today’s Jewelry Industry

More info

Joel Hassler, CGA
Von Hasle Jewelers

Appraisal Basics, Advanced Appraisal Practices, Best Practices for Repair and Appraisal Departments, Operational Efficiency

Phone: 262.456.7041
Email: [email protected]

Steve Jermier
Wells Fargo

Credit Card Fraud

John Kennedy
& Scott Guginsky

Jewelers Security Alliance

Security in the Jewelry Industry

Contact Experience to schedule
Email: [email protected]

Randy Lightfoot, CG
Mayflower Estate Buyers & Consulting

Basics of Gemology (gem instruments & ID)

Photomicrography of Gem Inclusions

Diamond Screening & Testing

Phone: 815.342.3981
Email: [email protected]

Andy Martin

Bringing Your Entire Jewelry Software Stack Together

Integrating Emotional Intelligence into Your CRM Strategy for Long-lasting Customer Loyalty

Cyber Security

Agile Methodologies

Data Analytics

Management Strategies

Software Trends


Phone: 479.268.3921
Email: [email protected]

Mona Miller, ICGA
Pacific Gem Lab

Identifying & Appraising Period & Antique Jewelry


Jewelry Appraisal Report Writing (and more topics)

Phone: 503.274.7022
Email: [email protected]

Niveet Nagpal, CG
Omi Gems

Colored Gemstones

Building A Brand

Phone: 626.331.4533
Email: [email protected]

Barbara Palumbo

Jewelry & Watch Trends; Marketing to Women; Influencer Marketing

FTC Guidelines

Phone: 215.668.8995
Email: [email protected]

Nathan Renfro
Gemological Institute of America (GIA)

Speaks to GIA/AGS joint groups

Phone: 760.603.4000 ext. 7733
Email: [email protected]

David Rotenberg, ECGA
David Craig Jewelers

Appraisals: In depth, to the correct standard


In Store Security

Phone: 215.968.8900
Email: [email protected]

Shelly Sergent
Somewhere In The Rainbow Gem and Jewelry collection

Phone: 602.696.4242
Email: [email protected]


Jennifer Shaheen
Technology Therapy Group

Digging Into Digital – What’s Happening Now

Capture and Convert: Mapping the Customer Journey

eCommerce and Social Selling; Multi-channel Marketing and Tracking

Phone: 401.231.7620
Email: [email protected]

Dr. James Shigley

Dr. James Shigley
Gemological Institute of America (GIA)

Speaks to GIA/AGS joint groups

Phone: 760.603.4019
Email: [email protected]

Jeff Skaret

Changing the way we sell diamonds

Building your store brand—Who are you, What do you do, and Why?

Segmenting your market and clients for more effective marketing and sales

Putting Lab-grown diamonds in their place (understanding the current market and creating real differentiation that strengthens your credibility)

Phone: 612.325.9332
Email: [email protected]

Ben Smithee
The Smithee Group

How to Win in the Age of Digital Experience

Phone: 817.938.0750
Email: [email protected]

Peter Stavrianidis, CGA
Venus Jewelers

Networking; Public Speaking

Team Building

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Regional Field Agents

Security in the Jewelry Industry


Contact Experience to schedule
Email: [email protected]

Wells Fargo Retail Services

Wells Fargo finance program

AGS private label credit card

Contact Experience to schedule
Email: [email protected]