
17 June 2019 Dog Names That Will Make Summer Last Forever |

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17 June 2019 Dog Names That Will Make Summer Last Forever

By Shana Aborn

Early summer is a great time to bring a new dog into your life. The weather is pleasant enough for long walks; you can plan trips to the beach, lake, or mountains with your new companion in mind; you can even give your pet a bath outdoors if it gets too grubby. As you and your family debate what to call your new fur baby, think about names that work for June dogs — and that can refer either to a birth or an adoption date.

Of course, you could always go with one of the trendy dog names of the past year. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with calling your new pal Max, Bella, Charlie, Jack, Luna, Cooper, or Lucy. But if you’re looking to stray from the tried-and-true, you could look for names that pay tribute in some way to the time of year your dog entered your life. After all, don’t we lean toward names like Spooky and Phantom at Halloween, or Cupid, Valentine, and Love as names for pets born in February?

Besides, there are such great June-related options to choose from for a new summer pet. Some honor the month itself, while others give a nod to June events, and still others are a tribute to the start of the new season. For a fur friend who’s destined to bring sunshine and warmth into your life, it would only be fitting.

1. Juno
Your new dog is going to rule your hearts, so it makes sense to name her after the Roman queen of the heavens, per Nameberry, and the namesake of this month.

2. Sunny
Pay homage to the bright days of summertime — and your dog’s cheerful “paw”sonality — with a name that reflects the weather of the season.

3. Rosie
As with all months, June has an official flower: the rose, according to FTD. For a dog, adding the “ie” ending gives it a more informal sound that fits a playful pet.

4. Pearl
The oyster-generated stone is one of the three official gemstones for June, according to the American Gem Society, and it would work perfectly with a small white dog like a Bichon Frise or a Maltese. If you have two of them, a Rosie/Pearl combo would be adorable.

5. Solstice
Between June 20 and 22, depending on the year, we celebrate the summer solstice: the time when the Northern Hemisphere receives the most sunlight in the course of a day, according to Vox. (Folks on the other side of the world have to settle for a very early sunset.) Name your pet Solstice to make it stand out from all the Lucys and Buddys at the dog run.

6. Summer
The June solstice also rings in the official start of the carefree, vacation-time season. Just take a look at these PetMD pictures of dogs named Summer, and see if you don’t agree that the name suits them to a T.

7. Tony
Any Broadway fan will remind you that June is the month when the Tony Awards for best theatrical productions and performances are handed out. Got a pooch with a flair for drama? This is the name you want.

8. Gemini
The astrological sign of the Twins begins in late May, but it runs through late June, making it an appropriate name for a dog who enters your life at this time of year. Geminis are known for being very intelligent, witty, social, and communicative, so if that describes your fur baby, so much the better.

9. Alex
Bet you didn’t know that June has a second birthstone: the alexandrite, a beautiful gem first discovered in Russia, per the Jewels for Me websites. It normally appears a greenish-blue, but if held to a light source with red rays, it changes to red. Alex is a cute name for any dog, but it would be especially appropriate for a June-acquired dog with Russian roots (like a Siberian Husky, Samoyed, Laika, or Borzoi).

10. Ursa
One of the main constellations visible in the night sky during the month of June is Ursa Major, or “great bear.” (It’s the one that kind of looks like a big cooking pot.) This would be a fantastic choice for a big, cuddly, bear-like breed like a Newfoundland or a Bernese Mountain Dog.

11. Apollo
Keeping with the June sun theme, you could name your dog after the Roman god of the sun. It’s an awesome name, no matter what time of year your dog was born.

12. Idalia
A less-obvious, but beautiful, “sunny” choice is this Greek name meaning “behold the sun,” per Nameberry. It can also be shortened to Ida, another cute dog name.

13. Lake
If your family summers are spent fishing, boating, swimming, or just generally reveling in the peaceful atmos of your local lake, then this is a name to put on the short list for your dog. Especially appropriate for a mellow mutt who’s as easygoing as a lazy summertime day.

14. Hercules
Another star formation visible in early summer is Hercules, named for the mighty Greek hero, according to It also makes a perfect name for a big breed like a Great Dane or Irish Wolfhound, or even an ironic name for a Chihuahua or teacup Poodle.

15. Dune
If you’re planning on spending a lot of time at the beach with your new fur friend, naming it after the big hills (and the sand that you’ll be brushing out of its fur for hours) makes sense.

16. Kyra
Derived from the Persian word khur, for “sun,” according to Baby Name Wizard, Kyra is short, sweet, and has the hard beginning consonant sound that dogs respond to more readily than softer sounds.

17. Belmont
June is filled with notable sporting events, among them the Belmont Stakes. The third leg of horse racing’s Triple Crown is held in New York early in the month. Got a speedy dog, like a terrier or a Greyhound? Try this name on for size.