
Learn it. Earn it. Share it. | Congratulations


A shout-out to the AGS members who have successfully passed their 2021 recertification exams and have downloaded their digital badges! Visit the “Learn it. Earn it. Share it.” section on the recertification resource page to learn more about promoting your digital badge.

Elizabeth Allen, CSAB.C. Clark, Inc.
Carolyn Biacan, RJHelzberg Diamonds #639
Robert Bireley, CSAMorrison Smith Jewelers
Lisa Bridge, CGBen Bridge Jewelers
Maria Brown, RJExclusively Diamonds
David Carter, CSABen Bridge Jeweler
Scott Davis, RJJack Lewis Jewelers
Stephanus Esterhuysen, CGHenne Jewelers
Robert Gatta, RJUnderwood Jewelers
Ashley Harbison, CSAWilson & Son Jewelers
Kimberley Hatchell, CGGalloway & Moseley
Burton Joseph, CGJosephs Jewelers
Trisha Kennedy, CGKennedy's Custom Jewelers
Amy Lancaster, CSAJack Lewis Jewelers
Brad Lange, CSAJack Lewis Jewelers
Janie Livingston, ICGAJanie Livingston Appraisers
Thomas Newcomer, CGAR. Bruce Carson, Ltd.
Amanda Osman, CSAJack Lewis Jewelers
Thomas Ozment, RJFincher & Ozment Jewelers
Pratibha Patel, CSAB.C. Clark, Inc.
Sarah Person, CGExclusively Diamonds
Yosef Poplack, RSGem Wave Inc.
Deanna Roberts, RJB.C. Clark, Inc.
Stephanie Sowder, CSAExclusively Diamonds
Meghan Sprague, CGCarreras Jewelers
Samantha Wooten, CSAMorrison Smith Jewelers
Joan Worth, CSAMorrison Smith Jewelers
Cynthia Zokvic, CSARaffi Jewellers
Charles Zopfi, RSMastoloni
2021-2022 recertification badge
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