
getting engaged

How to Buy a Diamond Engagement Ring

Find the perfect diamond for your love with our expert advice Diamond engagement rings are a long-standing tradition for a reason: they are rare, precious, and valuable—just like your love. When you’ve decided on a diamond ring to pledge your engagement, make sure you know these ring-buying tips before you head to the store to find the perfect diamond ring. Diamond Cut Options One of the most important factors in choosing a diamond is the cut. The “cut” of a diamond refers to the polish and symmetry of the facets of the finished diamond—not its shape. The way the diamond

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How to Shop for Diamond Engagement Rings

Buying a diamond engagement ring is a momentous occasion. If you’re ready to purchase a ring, but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place. With such an important expenditure as a diamond engagement ring, you want to feel confident in your decision. You want to feel like you’ve purchased the perfect ring! Doing your research, shopping around, and careful consideration go a long way toward making that happen. It also helps to have informed advice from professionals in the industry. The American Gem Society is the country’s preeminent jewelry trade organization dedicated to consumer protection. We’re dedicated

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Tips from Jewelers Mutual: Strongest Metals for Wedding Bands

Are you planning to shop for your engagement and wedding rings? The gemstones are typically the main focus: diamond or colored gemstone, which cut looks best, etc. But what about the metal? The strength of the band plays a significant part, depending on your lifestyle. Jewelers Mutual Group compares the seven strongest metals used in jewelry. Click here to read their blog, Strongest Metals for Wedding Bands.

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Can Crazy be the 5th “C”?

By Katie DaCosta, Craig’s Fine Jewelry I remember learning about the 4 “C’s” long before I had any business thinking about diamond rings. Years later, my college roommates and I would spend hours on Tiffany’s website, driving ourselves crazy, creating the perfect ring. At that point, it was so much more about the ring than the guy. Did any of us know what type of Ramen we were eating that night? Nope. But we knew what we wanted our rings to look like and that was enough for us. For centuries, diamonds have been at the very heart of some

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5 Factors That Impact “Bargain” Prices on Diamonds

By Evert P. Botha, Registered Supplier, Embee Diamonds Think again. Truth be told, just about everyone knows someone in the diamond and jewelry trade, but do you have a relationship with a trusted jewelry professional? Someone with the credentials to prove that they know their stuff? Someone that’s not interested in simply selling you what they have available at a bargain price? So called “bargain” prices on diamonds should always raise several red flags. Let’s look at some of the many factors that impact such “bargain” prices. Firstly, origin or conscience. Diamonds that make their way into the supply pipeline

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Smart Phones & Diamonds

By David C. Rotenberg, Certified Gemologist Appraiser DID YOU KNOW that your smart phone can make your diamond shopping experience easier? Now I don’t mean surfing the net, I mean actually looking at and comparing diamonds. Professional Jewelers like American Gem Society Jewelers have a tool called the ASET (Angular Spectrum Evaluation Tool) which will reveal a well cut diamond, or a not so well cut diamond. What you want to see in a diamond with the ASET device are symmetrical patterns with lots of red which shows brilliance, some blue which is contrast and some green which is light

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