April 25-27, 2022   |    Oklahoma City, OK

Conclave 2022 Speaker Proposal

The purpose of this request is to solicit proposals from diverse speaker candidates, conduct an evaluation based on criteria listed herein, and select the candidates who best represent the learning objectives for Conclave in Oklahoma City, OK, April 25–27, 2022.  

All proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:  

  • The overall quality of the proposal, including completeness of the form  
  • Timeliness of topic and relevance of topic to the American Gem Society (AGS) community  
  • Experience and/or presentation skill(s) of proposed speaker(s)  
  • Attendee feedback on topic and/or speaker based on previous event surveys  

Please read all the information on this page and complete the form with the requested information. Please consider why someone should attend, what they will learn, and who the session is intended for when writing your session description.  

Speaker proposal submissions have closed. If you have a submission you would like to be considered if space is available please submit a proposal. Submissions received prior to November 19, 2021 will be reviewed and you will receive a status update by December 10, 2021. All late submissions will be reviewed after December 10, 2021.

Co-Presenter Information

If you do not have a co-presenter, please skip this section.

Panelist Information

If you do not have panelists, or are still confirming your panelists, please skip this section. Panels are limited to a maximum of one moderator and three panelists.

PLEASE NOTE: The individual submitting the proposal is responsible for the entirety of the panel session including, but not limited to, finding their own panelists, logistics, communications to panelists, and the creation of content.

Panelist #1 Information

Panelist #2 Information

Panelist #3 Information

Session Information

Key Takeaways

Specify three key takeaways attendees will garner from your session.

Speaker Concessions

Standard speaker concessions are listed below. If your proposal is selected, AGS will review and formally offer you concessions based on available resources. If you are seeking a fee or honorarium for speaking, that must be included in the field below prior to the proposal selection. Upon approval of speaker(s), the concessions are as followed:

  1. One session – AGS member
    1. One-day complimentary registration, or
    2. Full registration at speaker rate
  2. One session – non-member
    1. One-day complimentary registration, and
    2. Travel reimbursement of $200
  3. Two or more sessions – AGS member or non-member
    1. Complimentary full registration, and
    2. Travel reimbursement of $200 or $400 depending on session schedule ($200 if both same day; $400 if sessions on different days)
  4. One or more panels – AGS member or non-member
    1. One-day complimentary registration, or
    2. Full registration at early bird rate

Speaker Expectations

By submitting this proposal, I agree to meet all posted dates and deadlines. I understand that if deadlines are missed, AGS reserves the right to make adjustments or cancel my session. My session speaker(s), title, and description must be detailed, complete, and finalized. By submitting my proposal to speak at the AGS Conclave, I agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. I will submit my presentation materials (presentation deck, handouts, etc.) utilizing the approved template and guidelines no later than March 25, 2022, for upload to the Conclave site and mobile app.
  2. If I choose to submit a session abstract, I will submit it per the guidelines no later than March 25, 2022.
  3. If my session is selected:
    1. AGS reserves the right to schedule my session during normal conference hours. I understand that the scheduled time is final and cannot be changed.
    2. I understand that I will be required to execute a Speaker Agreement before my session is confirmed.
    3. The Speaker Agreement includes editorial, recording, reproduction of materials, and distribution authorization, among other provisions.
Conclave 2023 logo

Thank you for your submission!

We have received your Proposal.