

Rah! Rah! Rubies!

By Amanda L. Colborn There’s no better way to demonstrate your love than by giving a ruby in celebration of a July birthday. Rubies arouse the senses, stir the imagination, and are said to guarantee health, wisdom, wealth and success in love. Ruby is a variety of the gems species corundum. It is harder than any natural gemstone except diamond, which means a ruby is durable enough for everyday wear. Fine-quality ruby is extremely rare, and the color of the gem is most important to its value. The most prized color is a medium or medium dark vivid red or slightly purplish red.

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3 Reasons Why We Love Peridot, the August Birthstone

By Kevin P. McVay August’s birthstone is the magical peridot, a yellow-green to lime-green gemstone that is said to have healing properties that help bring its wearers power and influence. There are many reasons why we like the peridot, even if we weren’t born in August. The peridot might be what we need to complete the finishing touches to our perfect summer look. Here’s why we think it’s so popular: It has history. The Egyptians called it the “gem of the sun.” Some even believe that Cleopatra’s famous emerald collection might have actually been peridot. The Romans used the gem

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